Hi-Tailyn Shorthairs
German Shorthaired Pointer Companions for the Field Trial, and Hunting Dog Families.


All Deposits are Non-Refundable Holding Fee.

If a pick is not available, a pick from a future litter can be made.


Yes, "Hi-Tailyn" prefix can be used,

I would appreciate if "Hi-Tailyn"

is used in Naming your new companion.

"Hi-Tailyn ................"


If you are looking for a pup or started pup,

Please read some of the articles below on this page.

I want you to know what it takes and the

responsibility of owning a GSP.

1."Fenced" yard Big enough

to run and burn off energy.

2.Lots of Love and Understanding as they grow.


This is a good video and link to watch

and understand if you can take care of a GSP.

Skye has been bred to Rodie.

Will know week of Christmas if she is pregnant.

If pregnant I will email those that have emailed interest for

deposits and order of picks.


  Pups will be $1500.

Deposits will be $300

Please Do Not send Deposit unless

I have said it is OK to do so.


Puppy Deposit $300.00 USD
All Deposits are Non-Refundable Holding Fee.
If a pick is not available, a pick from a future litter can be made,
unless I have made an agreement with you.

Once pups are born and know how many of each sex I will then take deposits for the rest.
These will make great all-around hunting, field trials, and family companions.

Will be AKC reg. and rnominated for both GSPCA & NGSPA Futurities.
Please email me for info at Scott@Hi-Tailyn.co

Xena was bred to Moon and we have 2 males available.

Pups will be ready for new homes later part of Jan.'25

Deposit is $300 and total price of these pups is $2000.




If interested, Email me as I will take a few Deposits at

this time for each litter once I OK your request.

            Will only take deposits from those that I have Ok'd.

               Email if interested in this litter. Scott@Hi-Tailyn.com




My email: Scott@Hi-Tailyn.com

Email is Best way to get in touch with me.

Pups will be $1500.

 with a $300 deposit.

All Deposits are Non-Refundable Holding Fee.
If a pick is not available, a pick from a future litter can be made,
unless I have made an agreement with you.

Order of picks is when I get Deposit.

Final Payment will be in Cash if picked up in Person.

Puppies from litter will be nominated for

Both the GSPCA & NGSPA Futurities.

Looking for Competition & Hunting Homes for these pups.






My email: Scott@Hi-Tailyn.com

Pups will be $1000-1500 depending on parents.

with a $300 deposit.

All Deposits are Non-Refundable Holding Fee.
If a pick is not available, a pick from a future litter can be made,
unless I have made an agreement with you.

My email: Scott@Hi-Tailyn.com

Order of picks is when I get Deposit.

Final Payment will be in Cash if picked up in Person.

Puppies from litter will be nominated for

Both the GSPCA & NGSPA Futurities.

Looking for Competition & Hunting Homes for these pups.



 My email: Scott@Hi-Tailyn.com

If interested, Email me and I will put on Email list,

Link for PayPal is available Below for quicker payment.

Order of picks is when I get Deposit.

PLEASE! PLEASE! All Deposits are Non-Refundable Holding Fee. Please Do Not send me a deposit at this time.

It will Not put you at head of list by sending in before pregnancy confirmation.

Will Not take any deposits till confirmed pregnant.



Introduction to Gun Fire

Video on how to do it right the first time.




German Shorthaired Pointers 

are great family companions

as well as the versitle hunting dog.

They quickly become a member of the family.


By Julia Heidbrink

It's time for me to speak my mind a little. If this does not pertain to you, I am really glad. If what I am about to say affects you or someone you have seen or know... please take it to heart and think before you leap!

The German Shorthaired Pointer is a sweet natured bundle of energy. Your dog is chewing up the house or being destructive to the point of exhaustion of its family, right? This is a frustrated dog most of the time! Once they neared AKC Top Ten status (they are currently number 9 on the list), it seemed everyone wanted one for the family. It is reputed to be a great family dog and quite trainable and it lives up to that reputation all over the world.

BUT, if you think this dog will fit into your family, you are sometimes dead wrong. And I see those dogs all over Facebook much too often. Rehoming our GSP for a myriad of reasons... Rehoming fee (sale price) is required. After all, you paid good money for this too active, crazy acting pointer...

The GSP is a great hunter. It is also a great family dog. According to AKC "The German Shorthaired Pointer (GSP) was developed in the late 1800s in Germany. Breeders were trying to create a dog that would perform many different hunting-related tasks, based on instinct rather than training. They wanted a dog that could hunt prey of any size, both furred and feathered; point out game to the hunter; retrieve the game that had been shot; and track wounded game. And all of this needed to be carried out in dense cover in the field or forest and in the water. As if that wasn’t enough, they also wanted a dog that would be an excellent family companion. They achieved their goal in the German Shorthaired Pointer."

It is not a terribly old breed and its hunting instincts are finely tuned through the process of developing the breed. It will point birds, squirrels, deer, lizards, butterflies... anything that catches its attention!

It is an active dog and it needs training and this is where the GSP gets into trouble! Consider any athlete. The energy level can be, and sometimes is to the rest of us, off the charts. If your GSP is not getting enough exercise or is bored to tears trying to fit into some families, it is going to get into trouble. That is a fact, not a guess. Boredom often goes along with not enough to do. This breed likes to have a job!

I know one person that has a houseful of GSPs and all of them are happy, well adjusted dogs. No, she doesn't live on 100 acres +/- and she does not hunt. She does love to watch them pointing critters and bugs and lizards that come into her normal sized yard. I love to brag on her and how she handles her pack of GSPs.... along with the other dogs she owns. She understands their needs. She accommodates their need of exercise and discipline. Her dogs love her, and they don't tear up anything.

My point is.... before you tangle with a GSP, figure out if you can deal with a high energy, highly tuned hunter because that's what that cute puppy is going to become in a few months! Beauty is only in the eye of the beholder, and beauty fades quickly when you have learned the hard way that you are not the right family for a GSP.

And... don't even get me started on color, or on breeders who sell cheap pups and give you no help down the road...


The 10 most important things to know about canine hip dysplasia
12/11/2015  By Carol Beuchat PhD

A Couple Good Links To See If A German Shorthaired Pointer

Is the Breed For Your Family


German Shorthaired Pointer

What's Good About 'Em,
What's Bad About 'Em


Early Spay Neuter: 3 Reasons To Reconsider

Spaying And Neutering /
By Dana Scott


Health Implications in Early Spay and Neuter in Dogs


Early Spay-Neuter Considerations for the Canine Athlete
Orthopedic Considerations
A study by Salmeri et al in 1991 found that bitches spayed at 7 weeks grew significantly taller than those spayed at 7 months, who were taller than those not spayed (or presumably spayed after the growth plates had closed). A study of 1444 Golden Retrievers performed in 1998 and 1999 also found bitches and dogs spayed and neutered at less than a year of age were significantly taller than those spayed or neutered at more than a year of age. The sex hormones, by communicating with a number of other growthrelated hormones, promote the closure of the growth plates at puberty, so the bones of dogs or bitches neutered or spayed before puberty continue to grow. Dogs that have been spayed or neutered well before puberty can frequently be identified by their longer limbs, lighter bone structure, narrow chests and narrow skulls. This abnormal growth frequently results in significant alterations in body proportions and particularly the lengths (and therefore weights) of certain bones relative to others. For example, if the femur has achieved its genetically determined normal length at 8 months when a dog gets spayed or neutered, but the tibia, which normally stops growing at 12 to 14 months of age continues to grow, then an abnormal angle may develop at the stifle. In addition, with the extra growth, the lower leg below the stifle likely becomes heavier (because it is longer), and may cause increased stresses on the cranial cruciate ligament. In addition, sex hormones are critical for achieving peak bone density. These structural and physiological alterations may be the reason why at least one recent study showed that spayed and neutered dogs had a higher incidenc of CCL rupture.


keeping your pets safe while driving
