12/2/07: Owner, Ed Moody, finishes Bitty's Amateur Field Championship title
4/5/07: Bitty wins the AKC National Gun Dog Championship, the first ever repeat Champion! Branched Oak, NE
3/07: NGSPA Open Shooting Dog Championship RU
2006 GSPCA Open Limited Gun Dog of the Year - Winner
10/06 GSPCA National Championship: Bitty wins a Judge's Honorable Mention in Amateur Gun Dog
3/06 National Gun Dog Champion - winner of the 2006 AKC Pointing Breed Gun Dog Championship in Virginia
1/05 NGSPA Region 16 Open Shooting Dog Championship Winner
1/05 Southeastern Shooting Dog Championship Winner
2004 AKC All Breed Gun Dog of the Year (dogs & bitches) 5th (tie)
2004 AKC All Breed Gun Dog of the Year (bithces) 3rd (tie)
2004 AKC German Shorthaired Pointer of the Year (bithces) 1st (tie)
2004 AKC German Shorthaired Pointer of the Year (dogs & bithces) 2nd (tie)
2004 GSPCA #5 Open Limied Gun Dog of the Year
2004 GSP News #3 Open Limied Gun Dog of the Year
12/04 Savannah River Shooting Dog Classic Winner
10/29/04 Bitty wins an Honorable Mention at the
GSPCA Gun Dog Nationals out of 100+ starters.
2004 NGSPA Region 16 Shooting Dog Champion
2004 NGSPA Region 16 Amateur Shooting Dog Champion
2004 GSPCA Eastern Sectional Classic Champion
2003 AKC Open Limited Gun Dog of the Year Runner Up
8 One-Hour Stake Placements
2002 American Field Georgia Shooting Dog of the Year
2002 Shorthair News Gun Dog of the Year
2002 AKC #3 Open Gun Dog
2002 Shorthair News Dog of the Year
2001 AKC Pointing Breed Gun Dog Championship Runner Up
1999 AKC National Futurity Champion
1999 AKC #1 Puppy/Derby Dog
129 AKC Field Points and
81 AKC Field Placements (37 Wins) thru 8/06
Four-time American Field Champion
Handled and trained exclusively by Ray Dohse since day one
FC AFC Mosegaard's Jigs DC AFC Shill Rest's Impressive MH CDX
FC Jigs White Smoke NSTRA CH Meier's Son Of Impressive
Schatten's JJ FC Randa's Elkhorn CR Princess
FC Smokey Ike's Blaze NFC FC Rawhide's Clown
FC Rawhide's Josie Wells Gertrude's Esobud's Clown
FC Moeswinkle's Duches V Jake Esobud Sadie Sue JH
whelped April 1998